German Parking space

Bosan di hari sabtu...aku tinggal sorang2.huhu sian aku,tp xpe.x terase sangat sbb aku qada tido sampai ptg.huhuhu..pergh,mmg best.While i browsing around,terjumpa sesuatu yg agak cool. Judge it & enjoy!

giler arrh!

This is pretty amazing! Can you imagine how all this operates?How do they lock each car in its cubicle for safety?Talk about German efficiency. The two photos below were taken at a new parking garage in Munich. The actual space that the facility occupies is approximately only 20% of a comparable facility with the traditional design that is used primarily in the US. Not only is the German structure less expensive to build, but vehicles are also "retrieved" in less time and without the potential of being damaged by an attendant.


razifembi said...

Aku kagum...thanks sebab share info nih.

Admin said...

wau..bile la malaysia nak wat camni..
cool gler..hehe

Chokilala said...

erk! bukan ke ni view kat kilang kereta? saya pernah tgk kat tv. kilang toyota ke bmw? mcm ni la dia susun. rasanya silap info kot. tp xtau la kot2 skrg mmg da buat parking camtu. btw, rasanya leh nampak semua kete model yg sama :)

roy said...

nie dekat showroom keter Volkswagen dekat jerman. tempat nie dinamakan 'autostadt'
nak tau lebih lanjut boleh browse website nie

Anonymous said...

wah..xsedar lak ramai yg komen entri nih.herm...btl la roy,showroom..bapak gempak.apa2 nih mmg mengagumkan.tunggu mesia buat tah bilanye hencik axe