oh no...it's almost january.lagi berapa bulan je lg.time for sweat to come a blowing in, time to sharpened my kontot lil' pencils, new note books and old friends...preparing for school just like when we are in high schools except the new backpacks and new white shoes.
Time for school ajue!!!!!
school=sekolah=kampus=study=penat=worth it!
di malaysia ni...when januari hits,u can tell!selain daripada new year celebration on the night after 12 dan azam baru semua orang, there will be a fresh group of newly graduated high schoolers spreading over the city after uni/college orientation.
They come in all shapes & sizes,with different ranks of looks.some speaks different "dialek' and life style......no matter where are they come from & what are they doing in certain places,they are all same.we are all have one thing in common, here to study as students!
sumtimes..seronok tengok budak2 baru ni. i'll sit sumwhere around the campus with my girls and look around and gossiping over the new students.hahhaha,that was damn funny..
there was a time, when 1 boy came and ask us how to go to klcc...so,secara sopan dan berbudi bahasanya,1 of my fren...bg direction..dekat je dik,adik ikut jln.ni nnt naik tren...smpi..blabla..
seems like the boy could'nt understand what my fren just told him & we end up laughing!that was hillarious...punya la kwn aku tu explain dengan panjang lebar bdk tu bknnya paham pun.
looking at his innocent face..kitorang rasa kesian.nak2 budak tu kata "saya dari kampung kak.mana la tau..lgpun saya nak pegi jumpa sepupu kat sana...dia suh saya pegi naik lrt"
olo..olo..olo.....comeinya..sian la plak.kebetulan kitorang pon da nak balik time tu....so kita escort la budak ni sampai jmp sepupu dia..
i happen to have similar situation like this 4 years ago...funny aite?
well...happy coming january all!!!walaupon ada 2 bulan lagi(tp aku da terasa bahangnya,mgkn sbb minggu depan da nak hbs praktikal). im sure im not the only one who hates that school has started again.
tp aku xsabo..nak2 time gap..leh g jejalan..heee :D
time gap mmg best...time pack?nak2 kelas kul 8 adui...
beta malas mau bangun pagi pagi
aku xsuke..nanti aku jd blur + sengal + malas + mengelabah
xmo xmo xmo
nanti sudah kerja esok,esok...rindu mo pi school...
jadi paksa jak rajin ajue...
dah januari ke???
almost la neo....
pe la kueh..mls bgun pg upenye..bgun je la lmbt..msok klas lmbt..relax ah..ekekekek..kalo mls sgt, ponteng je lah..mcm aku..hahahaha
chess main chess..ko panggil aku kueh?
xpe xpe..aku terima
aku mmg p.e.m.a.l.a.s bgun pg
bgn lambat & msk lambat tu da sinonim sgt ngan aku..
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