hanya untuk mereka yang cantik dan ensem?

Only for those people yang cantik dan ensem sahaja layak untuk join?wahh.....diskriminasi betul.
macam x percaya jek...but,believe it or not...social network community ni mmg exist.
BEAUTIFULPEOPLE.net adalah merupakan komuniti untuk orang2 elit2 sahaja.alaaaa,senang cite benda ni sebenarnya sama je macam friendster,myspace & facebook yang korang sume da sedia maklum tu..cume kali ni dia punya purpose and concept lain sikit...

Dis site founded for the purpose of creating personal and professional relationships between people who stand out from the majority because of their attractive appearance and personal qualities.

to become a member of this comunity calon-calon yang ingin berdaftar have to be voted in by existing members of the opposite sex. Bermakna kata.....dalam masa 3 hari ahli-ahli yang sedia ada dalam komuniti tu akan membuat penilaian dan seterusnya membuang undi based on whether or not the members of BeautifulPeople find each profile ‘attractive enough’. Just one out of ten applicants is accepted.
wahhh.....sampai mcm tu sekali?hahha..kalo macam tu,i prefer not to register sebab da tau dan amat yakin dengan result undian tu nnt.
Komuniti ni bagus untuk korang buat test tahap ke'beautian' korang...kalo diterima,maknanya korang mmg cantik bak bunga kembang sekuntum..kalo application x di approved...paham2 la sendiri.hahahah jangan sedih sampai nk lompat klcc pulak.


nak join?bolehh......KLIK SINIH yer